In order to write a good research paper, you have to know how to structure it. The most commonly used structure consists of five main sections and three or four support ones. Find out more about each of them and get practical advice on how to create it.
The Main Sections
The first section in each research paper structure is the introduction. It is considered to be hard to write
, but the reality is that it covers a set of three points which are quite clear and straightforward. In introductions, students have to present the topic and explain briefly why it is important for the respective audience, outline the purpose of the paper and write the thesis statement. Give the statement a lot of thought and make sure that it summarizes fully your point of view or analysis.The first section in each research paper structure is the introduction. It is considered to be hard to write
The second section is the method one. Here you have to present the research methods that you have used. The level of detail depends on the specifics of the assignment. If you have been asked to carry out an experiment, you have to explain each step of the method thoroughly.
The result section is the third one. In the body paragraphs, you have to present the findings of your research. This is the raw data produced by your experiment or taken from other sources. It must be well organized and presented in a logical way. You must not interpret it in this section. This is done in the following one.
The discussion section is where the results are analyzed. You have to interpret them using techniques suitable for the respective academic discipline. The other key point here is to explain how your research findings support the thesis statement that you have made in the introduction. You should be careful not to deviate from the topic.
The fifth and final section is extremely important and at the same time quite challenging to write. Research paper conclusions should tie the argument made in the discussion section with the thesis statement and present the logical outcome of the research. In some cases, students are also asked to make recommendations based on their research.
Support Sections
These sections complete the paper and are typically created after the main ones have been completed. The title page is the first one. It has to include the title of your paper, your name and your position in the respective educational institution. The abstract follows the title page. It is a brief summary of your paper. It has to summarize the research methods, results, analysis and conclusion in one paragraph.
These sections complete the paper and are typically created after the main ones have been completed. The title page is the first one. It has to include the title of your paper, your name and your position in the respective educational institution. The abstract follows the title page. It is a brief summary of your paper. It has to summarize the research methods, results, analysis and conclusion in one paragraph.
The reference list typically goes straight after the conclusion. It has to be created in line with the formatting style required in the assignment. It is essential for references to be made correctly so that plagiarism issues do not arise.
Any appendices and data tables and figures which have not been included in the main structure of the research paper go last after the references. They are usually arranged in chronological order, but you should check the formatting style to be on the safe side.
Any appendices and data tables and figures which have not been included in the main structure of the research paper go last after the references. They are usually arranged in chronological order, but you should check the formatting style to be on the safe side.